- Estimated Players
Steam Concurrent Players
25,446012,723May 12, 2024- 0Steam Players Right Now0Steam 24-hour Player Peak0Steam All-time Player Peak
- Pirate LegendsThe total number of the Pirate Lord's puppets
- Drunken SailorsThe real number of pirates who are not watering down their rum
- Kraken HuntersThe number of pirates who truly believe they defeated the Kraken
- Banishers of the DamnedThe total number of Graymarrow's BFFs
Trading Companies
- The Gold HoardersThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 75 with the Gold Hoarders
- The Order of SoulsThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 75 with the Order of Souls
- The Merchant AllianceThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 75 with the Merchant Alliance
- The Reaper's BonesThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 75 with the Reaper's Bones
- Athena's FortuneThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 20 with Athena's Fortune
- The Hunter's CallThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 50 with the Hunter's Call
- The Sea DogsThe total number of pirates who have been promoted to level 50 with the Sea Dogs
- Gold Hoarder Emissaries
- Reaper's Bones Emissaries
- Order of Souls Emissaries
- Merchant Alliance Emissaries
- Athena's Fortune Emissaries
- CrewmembersThe total number of players who set sail on a Captained Ship as one of the crew
- Captaincy LoversThe total number of players who spent 10 days aboard a Captained ship
- Pirate CaptainsThe total number of players who set sail as a Captain
- Pirate CollectorsThe total number of players who placed at least 15 trinkets on their ship
- Legendary CaptainsThe total number of players who unlocked a Legendary Pirate Title
- Legendary ShipsThe total number of players who unlocked a Legendary Ship Title
- Cherished TrinketsThe total number of players who purchased a Cherished Trinket
- Ship FleetsThe total number of players who own 15 ships
Battle for the Sea of Thieves
- SwabbiesPirates who won at least one fight in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves
- Faction ChampionsPirates who earnt an Allegiance Streak of 4 for either Faction
- UnsinkablePirates who sank at least 100 Faction ships in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves
- Blessing of Athena's FortunePirates who received the Blessing of Athena's Fortune
- Ritual of the FlamePirates who underwent the Ritual of the Flame
Tall Tales
- Maiden VoyageThe total number of players who completed the Maiden Voyage
- A Pirate's LifeThe total number of players who completed A Pirate's Life
- The ShroudbreakerThe total number of players who completed The Shroudbreaker
- The Cursed RogueThe total number of players who completed The Cursed Rogue
- The Sunken PearlThe total number of players who completed The Sunken Pearl
- Heart of FireThe total number of players who completed Heart of Fire
- The Seabound SoulThe total number of players who completed The Seabound Soul
- Captains of the DamnedThe total number of players who completed Captains of the Damned
- The Legendary StorytellerThe total number of players who completed The Legendary Storyteller
- Dark BrethrenThe total number of players who completed Dark Brethren
- Stars of a ThiefThe total number of players who completed Stars of a Thief
- Lords of the SeaThe total number of players who completed Lords of the Sea
- Wild RoseThe total number of players who completed Wild Rose
- The Art of the TricksterThe total number of players who completed The Art of the Trickster
- The Shores of GoldThe total number of players who completed The Shores of Gold
- The Fate of the MorningstarThe total number of players who completed The Fate of the Morningstar
- Revenge of the MorningstarThe total number of players who completed Revenge of the Morningstar
- The Journey to Mêlée IslandThe total number of players who completed The Journey to Mêlée Island
- The Quest for GuybrushThe total number of players who completed The Quest for Guybrush
- The Lair of LeChuckThe total number of players who completed The Lair of LeChuck
Sunken Kingdom
- Shrine of the Coral TombThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of the Coral Tomb
- Shrine of Ancient TearsThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of Ancient Tears
- Shrine of TributeThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of Tribute
- Shrine of HungeringThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of Hungering
- Shrine of Flooded EmbraceThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of Flooded Embrace
- Shrine of Ocean's FortuneThe total number of players who uncovered the mysteries of the Shrine of Ocean's Fortune